Cristian V. Ciobanu
Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Cristian Ciobanu has earned his BSc (Physics, 1995) from University of Bucharest, Romania, and MSc (Physics, 1998) and PhD (Physics, 2001) from The Ohio State University. After a postdoctoral stage in the Division of Engineering at Brown University, he joined the Colorado School of Mines in 2004, where he is now an Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering.
His research interests are in nanoscale surface problems, two-dimensional materials, materials for renewable energy applications, developments of evolutionary algorithms for computational materials design and optimization of atomic structures, self-organized nano and bio structures on crystal surfaces, among others.
Prof. Ciobanu received a Research Excellence Award from Colorado School of Mines (2013) and the NSF Career Award (2009-2014). He has authored/coauthored over 60 technical publications and coauthored a book on determination of atomic structure for nanostructures and surfaces.
CoorsTek 225
View full list of publications on Google Scholar
- Stan, G., Ciobanu, C. V., Likith, S. R. J., Rani, A., Zhang, S., Hacker, C. A., Krylyuk, S., Davydov, A. V. “Doping of MoTe2 via Surface Charge-Transfer in Air.” ACS Applied Materials Interfaces In press (2020).
- Diercks, D. R., Singh, A., Jha, R., Ciobanu, C. V., Stebner, A. P. “A Method of Nanoscale Analysis of the Initial Stages of Crystallization as Applied to a FINEMET Metallic Glass.” Materials Characterization 159:110026 (2020).
- Diercks, D. R., Jha, R., Ciobanu, C. V., Stebner, A. P. “In situCrystallization of Metallic Glass in an Atom Probe Instrument.” Microscopy and Microanalysis 25(S2):2548–2549 (2019).
- Kim, S.-Y., Kwak, J., Ciobanu. C. V., Kwon, S.-Y. “Recent Developments in Controlled Vapor-Phase Growth of 2D Group 6 Transition Metal Dichalcogenides.” Advanced Materials 31(20):1804939 (2019).
- Jha, R., Diercks. D. R., Chakraborti, N., Stebner, A. P., Ciobanu, C. V. “Interfacial Energy of Copper Clusters in Fe-Si-B-Nb-Cu Alloys.” Scripta Materialia 162:331–334 (2019).
- Manna, S., Gorai, P., Brennecka, G. L., Ciobanu, C. V., Stevanović, V. “Large Piezoelectric Response of van der Waals Layered Solids.” Journal of Materials Chemistry C 6(41):11035–11044 (2018).
- Wu, D., Chen, Y., Manna, S., Talley, K., Zakutayev, A., Brennecka, G. L., Ciobanu, C. V., Constantine, P., Packard, C. E. “Characterization of Elastic Modulus Across the (Al1–xScx)N System Using DFT and Substrate-Effect-Corrected Nanoindentation.” IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 65(11):2167–2175 (2018).
- Arias, P., Abdulslam, A., Ebnonnasir, A., Ciobanu, C. V., Kodambaka, S. “Bifurcation and Orientation-Dependence of Corrugation of 2D Hexagonal Boron Nitride on Palladium.” 2D Materials 5(4):045001 (2018).
- Jha, R., Chakraborti, N., Diercks, D. R., Stebner, A. P., Ciobanu, C. V. “Combined Machine Learning and CALPHAD Approach for Discovering Processing-Structure Relationships in Soft Magnetic Alloys.” Computational Materials Science 150:202–211 (2018).
- Maddox, W. B., Acharya, D. P., Leong, G. J., Sutter, P. Ciobanu, C. V. “Bias-Dependent Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Signature of Bridging-Oxygen Vacancies on Rutile TiO2(110).” ACS Omega 3(6):6540–6545 (2018).
- Manna, S., Talley, K. R., Gorai, P., Mangum, J., Zakutayev, A., Brennecka, G. L., Stevanović, S., Ciobanu, C. V. “Enhanced Piezoelectric Response of AIN via CrN Alloying.” Physical Review Applied 9(3):034026 (2018).
- Mutch, G. A., Shulda, S., McCue, A. J., Menart, M. J., Ciobanu, C. V., Ngo, C., Anderson, J. A., Richards, R. M. Vega-Maza, D. “Carbon Capture by Metal Oxides: Unleashing the Potential of the (111) Facet.” Journal of the American Chemical Society 140(13):4736–4742 (2018).
- Likith, S. R. J., Farberow, C. A., Manna, S., Abdulsam, A., Stevanović, V., Ruddy, D. A., Schaidle, J. A., Robichaud, D. J., Ciobanu, C. V. “Thermodynamic Stability of Molybdenum Oxycarbides Formed from Orthorhombic Mo2C in Oxygen-Rich Environments.” The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122(2):1223–1233 (2018).
- Chen, Y., Manna, S., Ciobanu, C. V., Reimanis, I. E. “Thermal Regimes of Li-Ion Conductivity in β-Eucryptite.” Journal of the American Ceramic Society 101(1)347–355 (2018).
- Manna, S., Brennecka, G. L., Stevanović, V., Ciobanu, C. V. “Tuning the Piezoelectric and Mechanical Properties of the AIN System via Alloying wit YN and BN.” Journal of Applied Physics 122(10):105101 (2017).
- Siegel, G., Ciobanu, C. V., Narayanan, B., Snure, M., Badescu, S. C. “Heterogeneous Pyrolysis: A Route for Epitaxial Growth of hBN Atomic Layers on Copper Using Separate Boron and Nitrogen Precursors.” Nano Letters 17(4):2404–2413 (2017).
- Chen, Y., Manna, S., Narayanan, B., Wang, Z., Reimanis, I. E., Ciobanu, C. V. “Pressure-Induced Phase Transformation in β-Eucryptite: An X-ray Diffraction and Density Functional Theory Study.” Scripta Materialia 122:64–67 (2016).
- Meng, F., Zhang, S., Lee, I.-H., Jun, S., Ciobanu, C. V. “Strain-Tunable Half-Metallicity in Hybrid Graphene-hBN Monolayer Superlattices.” Applied Surface Science 375:179–185 (2016).
- Gage, S. H., Trewyn, B. G., Ciobanu, C. V., Pylypenko, S., Richards, R. M. “Synthetic Advancements and Catalytic Applications of Nickel Nitride.” Catalysis Science & Technology 6(12):4059–4076 (2016).
Recent Courses
- Kinetic Phenomena in Materials
- Advanced Thermodynamics
- Advanced Mechanics of Materials