Dr. Leslie Lamberson, ME Associate Professor and recent Academic Management Institute graduate, was awarded an Office of Naval Research (ONR) grant to build a visualization facility that will enable researchers to characterize deformation and identify failure mechanisms of next-generation structural and armor materials. This ONR-funded facility will extend Lamberson’s current laboratory capabilities that examine high-rate loading under impact. The new equipment will allow researchers to capture high-speed impact scenarios into quantified visual outcomes at the sub-microsecond time scale. This new experimental facility will be comprised of unique light gas accelerators, an ultra-high-speed camera, and a high-performance data acquisition system. The capabilities of this new set-up will allow for new insights on light-weight armor and terminal ballistics. The facility will be used to directly visualize and quantify dynamic deformation, fracture and fragmentation mechanisms in order to develop improved physics-based microstructural models of armor materials. The facility will also provide collaborative research opportunities between undergraduates, graduates, and postdocs in high-strain-rate materials research.