George P. Kontoudis
Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Dr. Kontoudis research interests lie in the integration of robotics, control theory, and machine learning. In particular, he is interested in the formulation of hybrid theoretical schemes and the development of novel robotic devices to bridge the gap between machine learning and autonomous systems. Dr. Kontoudis research work appears in top conferences and journals, including ICRA, IROS, ACC, CDC, TNNLS, and RAS. He is the co-founder of the OpenBionics initiative, he was selected as a 2022 Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS) Pioneer, and he served as the General Chair of the 2023 RSS Pioneers. Prior to joining Mines, he was a postdoctoral research associate in the Aerospace Engineering Department at the University of Maryland. He obtained a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and an M.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Virginia Tech in 2021 and 2018 respectively. He received a Diploma in Mechanical Engineering at the National Technical University of Athens in 2016.
Brown Hall 280C
Personal Webpage
Research Group
Research Areas
- Robotic motion planning
- Multi-agent systems
- Distributed machine learning
- Optimal control
- Robot hands for grasping and manipulation
Representative Publications
View all publications on Google Scholar
- Kontoudis, G. P., and Otte, M. “Adaptive Exploration-Exploitation Active Learning of Gaussian Processes,” IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pages 9448–9455, 2023.
- Kontoudis, G. P., and Stilwell, D. J. “Scalable, Federated Gaussian Process Training for Decentralized Multi-Agent Systems,” IEEE Aceess, 12: 77800–77815. 2024.
- Kontoudis, G. P., and Vamvoudakis, K. G. “Kinodynamic Motion Planning With Continuous-Time Q-Learning: An Online, Model-Free, and Safe Navigation Framework,” IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 30(12): 3803–3817. 2019.
- Kontoudis, G. P., Liarokapis, M., Vamvoudakis, K. G., and Furukawa, T. “An Adaptive Actuation Mechanism for Anthropomorphic Robot Hands,” Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 6: 1–16. 2019.
Recent Courses
- MEGN 544 Robot Mechanics: Kinematics, Dynamics, and Control
- MEGN 315 Dynamics