Nils Tilton
Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Dr. Tilton’s expertise is in theoretical and computational fluid mechanics with an emphasis on hydrodynamic stability and flow through porous media. He received his Ph.D. in 2009 from McGill University, after which he was a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Aix-Marseille (2009-2011) and the University of Maryland (2011-2014). His research focuses on developing accurate analytical and numerical models of membrane filtration, carbon dioxide sequestration, and flow control for drag reduction. These applications play central roles in the water-energy-climate nexus, as well as the food, pharmaceutical, and petroleum sectors. Dr. Tilton’s numerical work focuses on spectral methods, fractional step methods, and multi-domain methods. His analytical work focuses on perturbation methods and volume-averaged models of flow through porous media.
Brown Hall W410E
Research Group
Computational Fluid Dynamics Group
- N. Tilton and L. Cortelezzi, 2015 “Stability of boundary layers over porous walls with suction,” AIAA Journal, accepted for publication
- M. A. Nomeli, N. Tilton, and A. Riaz, 2014 “A new model for the density of saturated solutions of CO2-H2O-NaCl in saline aquifers,” International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 31, 192–204.
- N. Tilton and A. Riaz, 2014 “Nonlinear stability of gravitationally unstable transient boundary layers in porous media,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 745, 251-278.
- N. Tilton, E. Serre, D. Martinand and R. M. Lueptow, 2014 “A 3D pseudospectral algorithm for fluid flows with permeable walls: application to filtration, Computers & Fluids, 93, 129-145.
- N. Tilton, D. Daniel and A. Riaz, 2013 “The initial transient period of gravitationally-unstable diffusive boundary layers developing in porous media,” Physics of Fluids, 25, 092107.
- D. Daniel, N. Tilton and A. Riaz, 2013 “Optimal perturbations of gravitationally unstable, transient boundary layers in porous media,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 727, 456-486.
- N. Tilton, D. Martinand, E. Serre and R. M. Lueptow, 2012 “Incorporating Darcys law for pure solvent flow through porous tubes: asymptotic solution and numerical simulations,” AIChE Journal, 58, 2030-2044.
- N. Tilton, D. Martinand, E. Serre and R. M. Lueptow, 2010 “Pressure-driven radial flow in a Taylor-Couette cell,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 660, 527-537.
- N. Tilton and L. Cortelezzi, 2008 “Linear stability analysis of pressure driven flows in channels with porous walls,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 604, 411-445.
- N. Tilton and L. Cortelezzi, 2006 “The destabilizing effects of wall-permeability in channel flows: A linear stability analysis,” Physics of Fluids, 18, 051702.