Carolina Herradón Hernandez
Research Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Dr. Carolina Herradón Hernandez is a Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Colorado School of Mines. She earned her degree in Chemical Engineering and received her PhD in 2014 from Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Madrid, Spain) where she investigated thermochemical cycles for solar hydrogen production. During her PhD work, she participated in a research internship at the University of Colorado Boulder where she explored metal oxides for H2 production through solar-thermal water splitting. In 2015 she moved to Santiago de Chile to work as a Research Professor at Universidad Andrés Bello. In parallel, she started a collaboration with the National Center of Hydrogen in Spain, developing the electro-spinning techniques for the synthesis of ceramic fibers that can be used as electrodes for solid oxide fuel cells. In October 2018, she came to the Colorado Fuel Cell Center at Mines as a visiting research professor. In March 2019, she started her current position as a Research Assistant Professor in the Mechanical Engineering Department. During this time, her research has been focused in the development of a thermally integrated, reversible protonic-ceramic fuel cell/electrolyzer system that operates at high pressure. In energy-storage mode, the system will generate NH3 from nitrogen and water to enable near-lossless storage of electricity. In fuel-cell mode, the system will directly convert NH3 and air into electricity. The work is supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Advanced Research Projects Agency – Energy (DOE: ARPA-E).
General Research Lab 232/241
Affiliated Research Center
- Le, Q., Ding, H., Zhu, L., Herradón, C., Hernandez, M., Duan, C., O’Hayre, R. P., Sullivan, N. P. “Scale Up and Stack Integration of Proton-Conducting Ceramic Fuel Cells.” Submitted.
- Herradón, C., Molina, R., Marugán, J., Botas, J. A. “Experimental Assessment of the Cyclability of the Mn2O3/MnO Thermochemical Cycle for Solar Hydrogen Production.” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 44(1):91–100 (2019).
- Campana, R., Sevilla, G., Herradón, C., Larrañaga, A., Rodriguez, J. “Use of Multi-Injector for Electrospinning of Ceramic Fibers in Energy Applications.” Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio. 58(6):238–245 (2019).
- Marugán, J., Botas, J. A., Molina, R., Herradón, C. “Study of the Hydrogen Production Step of the Mn2O3/MnO Thermochemical Cycle.” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 39(10):5274–5282 (2014).
- Botas, A., Marugán, J., Molina, R., Herradón, C. “Kinetic Modeling of the First Step of Mn2O3/MnO Thermochemical Cycle for Solar Hydrogen Production.” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 37(24):18661–18671 (2012).
- Marugán, J., Botas, J. A., Martín, M., Molina, R., Herradón, C. “Study of the First Step of the Mn2O3/MnO Thermochemical Cycle for Solar Hydrogen Production.” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 37(8):7017–7025 (2012).